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The chemistry falls into to number of the most important sciences and is one of the main school objects. Its studying begins with the Periodic Table – Mendeleyev’s Tables. Interactive approach to a training material is more effective than classical. As in it technologies which became the family for the modern pupils are used.

Periodic Table – is an application for Android OS which at start displays the interface of all periodic table. The table has the long-period form approved by the International union of theoretical and applied chemistry (IUPAC) as the basic.

– When pressing any element information which constantly is replenished is provided.
– To the majority of elements there is an image.
– For more detailed information direct references on Wikipedia for each element are had.
– To find any element it is possible to use searching. The search engine is not choosy to the register or style of writing of inquiry.
– It is possible to sort elements by ten categories:
• Shchelochnozemelny metals
• Other nonmetals
• Alkali metals
• Halogens
• The transitional metals
• Noble gases
• The post-transitional metals
• Lanthanoids
• Semimetals
• Actinoids
Elements of the chosen category will be specified in search results and illuminated in the table on the main screen of the application.

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